Mission Statement
Provide quality HR services that enable the City of Gary to attract, support, retain and develop the diverse talent needed to achieve the City’s mission and vision.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be recognized as a preferred employer of high quality professionals nationwide by providing excellence in human resource services to all internal and external customers.
Core Values
Guides our behavior; governs how we will work together as we carry out the mission and vision.
Wendy McLaurin
Director of Human Resources
401 Broadway, Suite 105
Gary, IN 46402
Phone: (219) 881-1346
Fax: (219) 882-2320
Value Statements
Excellence – We pursue of the highest quality in any undertaking, process, and service that results in optimal performance.
Openness – We are willing to consider and receive constructive criticism to improve and adapt to change.
Improvement – We are committed to create a culture of ongoing assessment to continuously enhance the quality of personnel, organizational results, performances, and processes.
Teamwork – We are empowered employees working collaboratively and collectively toward achieving successful outcomes for a common goal of the mission and vision.
Wellness – We are committed to cultivating the healthy physical, social, and emotional well-being of all in the work environment.
Integrity – We conduct business in accordance to the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics.
Respect – We embrace each individual’s unique talents, and honor diverse life and work styles with a spirit of cooperation.
Service – We provide all customers with meaningful, thoughtful, positive interactions with a high standard of professionalism.
Trustworthiness – We provide all customer reliable services that protect the privacy and confidentiality of information.
Human Resource Staff (HRS)
wmlaurin@gary.gov Ext. 16481
Consultant to Mayor, Support to City Employees
Administration, Management, & Personnel Policy Questions
Liaison for staff and management conflicts
Grievance Hearings, Union Meetings
Administration of Employee Assistance (EAP)
Day to Day Policies relating to all phases of personnel activity
Assistance in all HR areas listed above
jhairston@gary.gov Ext. 16500
Exit Interviews
Personnel Policy Questions
Personnel & Grievance Hearing
Assist with Retirees' Pension Questions
Day to Day Policies relating to all phases of personnel activity Administration of Employee Assistance (EAP)
pheath@gary.gov Ext. 16483
Onboard new Hires in ADP, Reset ADP Passwords- Complete PA (Personnel Action Form)
Set up drug Testing
Job Posting, Recruitment
Termination Payout, Service Records
Transmittals, Perf Issues
aray@gary.gov Ext. 16501
Implementation of the City General Training
Employee Training
New Hire Typing Test, & Written Test
Complete Surveys for Training
Performance Appraisal
qwatson@gary.gov Ext.16470
City Group Life
Medical, Dental, & Vision for all City Employees
Medical Insurance for Police and Fire Pensioners
Cobra, AFLAC, American Fidelity, Valic, Disability
cthompson@gary.gov Ext. 16484
Manage Request for FMLA, Questions, Concerns
Workers Compensation-First Incident Reports
HR Claims & Vendor Contracts
Wellness Coordinator
ttaylor@gary.gov Ext. 16472
Employment Verification New, Former, Employees
Employee ID Badges
Employee Address Changes in ADP
Submission of Valic Request
Admin Assistant to the Executive Director/Maintains Calendar
Wellness Initiative
The City of Gary is committed to the health and welfare of its employees. It is our vision and goal through each wellness initiative to assist employees in taking charge of their Health and Life. We encourage our employees to “Bee Healthy”, it’s a better way to live!
“The mission of the City of Gary Wellness Committee is to create a healthier lifestyle to improve personal health and wellness to eventually decrease healthcare costs through prevention. We strive to promote a worksite culture that supports employees’ desire to make healthy lifestyle choices.”
The City of Gary Wellness Committee vision is to implement lunch and learns and other activities to encourage employees to make healthier choices. To create a safe, healthy work environment for all employees. To encourage employees to take charge of their health and life. To inspire employees to utilize the Hudson and Campbell Sports and Fitness Center.
Goals and Objectives
Please be sure to allocate at least thirty (30) minutes to apply for the position or positions for which you are interested.
Prior to starting this process, you will need the following information:
Please note that you have the ability to electronically attach resumes and reference materials to the online application. A position does not need to be open for you to apply, as we keep all applications on file for one year. Applications on file can be reviewed by the Human Resources Manager when an opening occurs.
Applications will not be processed or saved unless the application is completed in its entirety.
Again, thank you for considering employment with the City of Gary! Click the Join our Team! link to begin your application process. For questions regarding applications contact the City of Gary Human Resources Department at (219) 881-1346.
Welcome to Employee Access: City of Gary employees are encouraged to access Employee Access while away from work to stay current with important personal information.
Employees will have access to:
Use the 2021 Self Service Online Enrollment Guide to register
To Enroll or Make changes to AFLAC, use this link to Schedule a Virtual Meeting with an AFLAC Agent: https://calendly.com/sayoaflac/gary2020?month=2020-11
To Enroll, Continue Flex Spending Accounts, or make changes to American Fidelity or Texas Life policies, use this link to Schedule a Virtual Meeting with an American Fidelity Agent:
To Enroll or Make Changes to Colonial policies, use the Colonial Benefits Enrollment link to register: https://www.employeenavigator.com/benefits/Account/Register
To Enroll or make changes to Empower or Great West, use the link to schedule a meeting with the Empower Plan Advisor Moises Flores: https://virtual_meeting_w_moises_il.empowermytime.com/
Wendy McLaurin
Director of Human Resources
Patrice Heath
HR Generalist
Jacqueline L. Hairston
Deputy Director
Qiana Watson
Benefits Manager
Chancie Thompson III
Benefits Leave/Wellness Coordinator
Anita Ray
Training Specialist
Theresa Taylor
HR Administrator