Gary, Indiana kicks off demolition of blighted properties in Aetna neighborhood

MEDIA ADVISORY: Press Conference: Gary, Indiana kicks off demolition of blighted properties in Aetna neighborhood

GARY, IND. - Join the City of Gary for a press conference on February 26th, in which we will kick-off a critical neighborhood stabilization effort. During this event, we will start a demolition project aimed at addressing blight within Aetna, one of Gary’s neighborhoods in the 1st district.

Immediately after the press conference, volunteer crews from Rieth-Riley Construction, Hasse Construction, C. Lee Construction, Actin INC, R & D Construction, Dyer Construction, Superior Construction, and the Lake County Highway Department will begin demolition of the blighted properties. Media and guests will be able to safely observe the all-volunteer crews while they work.

Why concentrate in one neighborhood?

The Melton administration plans to establish various neighborhood stabilization projects across the city, with a focus on areas that have high concentrations of blight. The Redevelopment Commission is piloting this approach in the Aetna neighborhood. By focusing efforts in neighborhood at a time, the City of Gary can demonstrate a significant impact in one area, and begin the process of revitalization and reinvestment. Rieth-Riley Construction, Hasse Construction, C. Lee Construction, Actin INC, R & D Construction, Dyer Construction, Superior Construction, and the Lake County Highway Department have all generously donated their time, expertise and equipment to this effort.

Press Conference Details:

Date: February 26, 2024

Time: 7:00 AM Central Time

Location: 5609 East 13th Place, Gary, Indiana 46403

Key Speakers:

City of Gary Mayor Eddie Melton: The Mayor will share insights into the importance of this initiative, his vision for redevelopment in Gary, and the impact he expects on the community.

Vice President of Gary Common Council / 1st District Councilwoman Lori Latham:

Councilwoman Latham will be present to emphasize the collaborative efforts between the Melton administration, the Common Council, and community stakeholders.

Chris Harris, Director of Redevelopment, City of Gary: Harris will discuss how the demolition was planned as well as how owners were engaged during the process. He will also share next steps following the demolition, including plans for future demolitions, redevelopment and community engagement.

Jim Wiseman, Rieth-Riley Construction: Wiseman will discuss why his company and others chose to make a commitment to volunteer for this vital project.

Join us as we take this crucial step toward transforming blighted areas into vibrant spaces for our residents. Your coverage is essential in spreading the word about this positive change.

We look forward to your presence at this event and your partnership in helping us build a greater Gary!

Media Contact:

Erika Blackwell

ofc: (219) 881-1314

cell: (219) 292-1251


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