City of Gary and Hard Rock Proposal for Lake County Convention Center Gets Enthusiastic Support at Community Meeting

March 6, 2025

Gary, IND. – The proposal for a new Lake County Convention Center near Hard RockCasino received enthusiastic support from a few hundred community membersThursday during a special meeting at St. Timothy Church.

“A new convention center in Gary will be more than an event space – itwill be an economic engine to continue the revitalization of our city andbenefit all of Lake County,” said Gary Mayor Eddie Melton. “We have anopportunity to capitalize on Hard Rock’s success – a vibrant entertainmentdestination that has drawn more than 8 million visitors in under four years –to further boost tourism, create jobs, generate opportunities for local vendorsand drive long-term economic growth.”

At the meeting, Mayor Melton, Hard Rock Casino Northern IndianaPresident Matt Schuffert and AECOM Managing Principal Jeannette Peruchinishared plans for the proposed 145,000-square-foot convention center and HardRock Hotel, which will include an estimated 300 rooms.  

Mayor Melton highlighted the project’s strong commitment to hiring localworkers – including union labor, trade professionals, Indiana vendors, andminority- and women-owned businesses – and emphasized how it will transformGary and the entire region.

“Hard Rock delivered on its promise of good, living-wage jobs at thecasino, and I am grateful for their pledge to do the same at the conventioncenter,” Mayor Eddie Melton said. “A convention center and hotel willtake this destination to the next level.”

This convention center proposal will be funded entirely through gamingtaxes, state matching funds, and $30 million over 20 years from Hard Rock, withno proposed increase in the innkeeper’s tax.

The proposed site is shovel-ready without need for additionalinfrastructure improvements like utilities or roads. The prime location alongI-80 between I-294 and I-65 – one of the

busiest corridors in the country – makes it ideal for major events,conferences and trade shows.

Building on Hard Rock’s proven impact in the region, this newdevelopment will be a catalyst for even more economic growth and a magnet fortop-tier conferences, trade shows and entertainment.

“Hard Rock is proud to be part of this community, and we’re excited tobuild on that commitment to drive even greater economic impact in this region,”said Matt Schuffert,

President of Hard Rock Casino NorthernIndiana. “With our proven success in hospitality,entertainment and convention management, no one else has the global reach,expertise and brand power to bring world-class events to Lake County like wecan. This convention center will not only drive tourism and economic growth butalso create lasting opportunities for local businesses and the community.”

With a focus on both community impact and long-term sustainability,AECOM is designing a convention center that will serve Lake County forgenerations to come.

“When designingthis state-of-the-art convention center, our priorities were clear: fosteringcommunity connections and promoting sustainability,” said JeannettePeruchini, Managing Principal at AECOM. “We created spaces for outdoorevents to bring people together, such as farmers markets and movie nights,while integrating eco-friendly features like a green roof, solar panels andrainwater harvesting systems to minimize the environmental footprint.”

The City of Gary, Hard Rock and AECOM will continue working with countyofficials, stakeholders and community members to advocate for the project’sselection. Learn more about the Gary proposal at our website


Media Contact:

Erika Blackwell, Chief Communications Officer, City of Gary                                    

(219) 806-6489


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