City of Gary Mourns the Loss of Eddie J. Melton Sr., A Decorated Veteran and Beloved Father of Mayor Eddie Melton

November 12, 2024

Gary, IN –The City of Gary is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Eddie James Melton Sr., a cherished community member, decorated war hero, and beloved father of Mayor Eddie D. Melton. Eddie J. Melton Sr. passed away surrounded by his family, leaving behind a legacy of bravery, dedication, and love that has profoundly impacted his family, friends, and community.

Eddie James Melton Sr. was born on March 3, 1946, in Duncan, Mississippi, before his family moved to Gary, Indiana. He attended Roosevelt High School, graduating in 1966. Soon after, in 1967, he was drafted into the United States Army 51st Infantry Airborne, serving bravely during the Vietnam War. During his service, Eddie Sr. was severely wounded but showed incredible heroism. He was honored with the Purple Heart and Silver Star for his courageous actions and enduring sacrifices for his country.  

Eddie Sr. returned home to Gary where he worked for EJ&E Railroad as a switchman until his retirement.  

Mayor Eddie D. Melton shared these words in remembrance of his father:  

“My father was a man of immense courage and honor, whose strength was matched only by his love for his family. He taught me the value of resilience and the importance of standing tall in the face of adversity. His sacrifices—both on the battlefield and here at home—are a testament to his unwavering commitment to those he loved. My sisters, Montisha and Lawanna, and I are profoundly grateful to be his children. His legacy of honor, courage, and compassion will forever guide us and our family. He will be deeply missed but never forgotten.”

Eddie J. Melton Sr. leaves behind a lasting legacy and a family who will continue to honor his memory. Funeral arrangements will take place on November 23, 2024, at 11 a.m. CST at The Church of God in Christ Church in Gary, In at 5718 W. 9th Avenue.  

For further information, please contact the Mayor’s Office at

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